Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I Got A Day Off!

I got the day off on Saturday so Larissa (a newly hired ET Golden coach) and I drove to Fort Collins to meet my good friend Caleb and do some bouldering at Horsetooth Reservoir. Arrived around 2pm so we went to the Scoop Area and got straight to work on Doxology (V12). I sent it, which was nice. Caleb got all the moves, and Larissa came up with some awesome short person beta. We all three sent the classic Scoop (V5) and I also did a finicky arete called Retard Sandwich (V8). It was starting to get dark so we went to Rotary real quick to see if we couldn't scoop up a few more classics before the day was over. After re-warming up on a sweet V3, I knocked out the Moon Arete (V10) real quick, and then almost sent the sit (V12), but by then it was fully dark.

Retard Sandwich

Larissa with the short beta on Doxology

I climbed up this boulder. 

Caleb winding up for the throw on Doxology

Now I'm back to setting my brains out, unloading trucks, and other such gym construction nonsense. It is exhausting, but I am psyched for my next day off! Whenever that is.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Work, Work, Work, Climb, Work...

I haven't written in a while. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. I don't have internet except at this coffee shop (Bean Fosters, the best coffee in Golden, for real).

2. I have been working a lot

3. I can only use a third of my screen because my computer was run over by a scissor lift.

I have been able to get out and climb a few days though and there is so much rock just a short distance away. I have been training as much as I can in my friend Terry's basement, but mainly just hangboarding with some bouldering thrown in when I can make it out. So far the tick list includes a handful of V9s, some classic moderates, and then these harder problems:

Purity Control (V10)
Stanley Kubrick (V10-)
Stanley Kubrick SDS (V11)
Bambi (V11)

Bambi (V11)

I've also managed to have a suprising amount of success on Fantasia (V13) and I think I will be able to take it down in the next couple months.

Fantasia (V13)

Next problems to check out include:

Dark Waters (V12/13)
Formula 50 (V10/11)
Doxology (V11-)
Circadian Rhythm (V13)

We'll see what happens.

The gym construction is coming along nicely. Larissa (one of the coaches here in Golden) and I set up the first system board and it is AMAZING. The thing is huge and I am so psyched to train on it.



I have moved out of Bigsby (my van), now I have an apartment with my lovely lady and it's great.