Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Work, Work, Work, Climb, Work...

I haven't written in a while. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. I don't have internet except at this coffee shop (Bean Fosters, the best coffee in Golden, for real).

2. I have been working a lot

3. I can only use a third of my screen because my computer was run over by a scissor lift.

I have been able to get out and climb a few days though and there is so much rock just a short distance away. I have been training as much as I can in my friend Terry's basement, but mainly just hangboarding with some bouldering thrown in when I can make it out. So far the tick list includes a handful of V9s, some classic moderates, and then these harder problems:

Purity Control (V10)
Stanley Kubrick (V10-)
Stanley Kubrick SDS (V11)
Bambi (V11)

Bambi (V11)

I've also managed to have a suprising amount of success on Fantasia (V13) and I think I will be able to take it down in the next couple months.

Fantasia (V13)

Next problems to check out include:

Dark Waters (V12/13)
Formula 50 (V10/11)
Doxology (V11-)
Circadian Rhythm (V13)

We'll see what happens.

The gym construction is coming along nicely. Larissa (one of the coaches here in Golden) and I set up the first system board and it is AMAZING. The thing is huge and I am so psyched to train on it.



I have moved out of Bigsby (my van), now I have an apartment with my lovely lady and it's great.

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